When No One Else Can Help You - We Can!

We turn fear and confusion into hope, help and healing.

Myths About Cancer 

Uncover the truth behind common cancer myths! At Rankin Medical Center, we debunk misconceptions and provide alternative testing and therapies for cancer. 

If you're visiting this site, you've probably heard one or more of these myths...

  • You caused your own cancer—myth! 
  • The only ways to stop cancer is chemo & radiation —myth!  
  • Being in remission means you're cured—myth! 
  • We removed all the cancer—myth! 
  • Your stage 4 diagnosis is based solely on your PET, CAT, or MRI scans—myth! 
  • Ignoring certain advice will lead to a high chance of dying—myth! 

What myths have you been told? At Rankin Medical Center, we offer Alternative Therapies for Cancer. 

We offer you the TRUTH.

Transform Fear and Confusion About Cancer Into Hope, Help & Healing

We specialise in giving answers that give hope, clarity, peace of mind and understanding.

  • Get the root of your health issues causing cancer assessed quickly and accurately with our proven innovative technologies.
    • uncover emotional causes
    • eliminate confusion about real contributing issues
  • Receive personalized care, using advanced therapies, focused emotional work and a holistic mind-body-spirit approach.

    A Philosophy Unique to Dr Rankin

    • 20 years of experience.
    • We ask the right questions to get the answers you need...

    Treatment Mindset

    A conventional treatment mindset leads to harm and death 97% of the time.

    This mindset and testing is based on poor information.

    Conventional Mindset 

    • PET, CAT, Lab, Blood, X-Ray
    • Generic plan
    • Chemo, drugs, invasive treatment
    • Billing codes
    • Disruptive to fix problems

    Rankin Medical Center Mindset

    • Biomedical testing to assess the root cause
    • Advanced therapy to build immune system
    • Tailored personal plan as a roadmap to healing,
    • A healing mindset

    Discover The Root Cause Via Recall Healing And Trapped Emotional Release

    This technique and therapy is a body of work developed over decades of research and applied sciences. It has healed and changed the lives of many people around the world.

    Recall Healing is best explained by the examples to follow. Recall Healing and EVOX are not psychological methods, per se, they are a method that transcends dialogue. It is not what we know that affects us, it is what we don’t know. When we do discover what we don’t know, we can then resolve it.

    EVOX uses your own voice, and all associated emotions and gives it back to you in healing, homeopathic solutions.

    We believe in eliminating the issue with you.

    Addressing Chronic Inflammation and Knee Pain: An Exploration of Alternative Approaches

    Chronic inflammation often leads to severe knee pain, and this paper explores naturopathic approaches for managing it. Key strategies include maintaining optimal fluid balance, addressing meridian blockages through acupuncture, and correcting polarity imbalances with techniques like pendulum testing. Proper hydration and balanced minerals are essential for joint health. Meridian therapy can alleviate pain by enhancing Qi flow, while polarity therapy aims to balance energy. The case study of a farrier underscores the importance of addressing underlying issues before considering surgery. Alternative treatments such as acupuncture, nutritional adjustments, and energy balancing can provide significant relief and improve quality of life, potentially reducing the need for invasive procedures.
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    A Comprehensive Evaluation of Health Parameters and Wellness Strategies

    The naturopathic evaluation shows notable health improvements in the patient, including better liver function, reduced inflammatory markers, and effective detoxification. Stable weather conditions have positively influenced overall wellness. Identified mineral imbalances (low chromium, high zinc) are being addressed with targeted supplementation. Toxin levels have decreased, indicating improved detoxification. Continued use of detox techniques and therapies is recommended, along with regular follow-ups to maintain and further enhance health.
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    Navigating Health and Wellness: Integrating Hydration, Mineral Balance, and Personal Beliefs

    Managing chronic conditions like fibromyalgia and insomnia requires a holistic approach, including proper hydration, balanced mineral intake, and attention to personal beliefs. High-quality, mineral-rich water and addressing deficiencies in minerals like sodium, magnesium, potassium, and iodine are crucial. Water quality and storage can impact health, so using distilled water in glass containers is recommended. Personal beliefs and emotional health also play a role, and balancing alternative practices with conventional medical advice enhances overall well-being.
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