Our Innovative Equipment

At our clinic, we utilize a range of cutting-edge technologies to provide comprehensive and personalized care. Our approach is distinct because we integrate various forms of energetic medicine, all within one facility. This diverse equipment enables us to enhance the body’s natural energy patterns, addressing challenges such as cancer, dementia, and brain trauma with gentle and nurturing therapies.

Key Technologies;


We use bioresonance to measure and balance the body’s electromagnetic waves. Our advanced bioresonance scan, developed in Russia, evaluates the energy levels of every organ and cell, assessing stress, infections, and overall health.

Chi Sonic & QRS Devices:

The Chi Sonic, developed in Japan and Sweden, utilizes sound healing to move energy within the body. The QRS device from Germany is highly effective in relaxing the body and reducing electronic smog.

Milliwave Therapy:

This Japanese-developed device uses millimeter waves to reduce inflammation and balance the body’s energy, benefiting conditions like tumors and neuropathy.

TheraAir & Infrared Saunas:

The TheraAir, developed in Germany, delivers life-enhancing frequencies through air to clear the lungs and reduce oxidative stress. Our infrared saunas, from TheraSage, provide hypothermia therapy alongside other treatments.

Quantum Pulse & Stem Cell Stimulation:

The Quantum Pulse generates high-voltage stimulation to promote healing and reduce negative cells, using biophotonic light and alpha waves. We also use a stem cell generator to stimulate the body’s own stem cell production.

Base10 Radionic System:

This system allows for remote manipulation of energy, addressing toxins, mineral imbalances, and vaccine damage by neutralizing stressors and delivering beneficial information.

Infinity Bed:

The Infinity Bed, with its figure-8 copper pattern, enhances lymphatic function, improves sleep quality, and is designed for portability.

Frequency & Biomedical Scanning:

Our frequency devices, including RIF devices and various magnets, support the body’s natural healing processes. We also conduct extensive biomedical scans to evaluate over 480,000 aspects of the body, identifying stressors, cancer levels, infections, and more.

Biophotons & Medallions:

Biophoton trainers and programmed medallions are used to continuously reduce stress and detoxify the body through exposure to specific energy patterns and homeopathic remedies.

Our diverse range of equipment and methods allows us to offer a holistic, non-invasive approach to health, aiming to enhance your body’s ability to heal and thrive.

You Can Purchase The Equipment We Use

No clinics have our combination of equipment, and this combination makes us unique and very successful

No clinic allows patients to purchase equipment. WE DO. And we will train you, and WHEN we do, YOU will have the power and KNOWLEDGE our expertise..

  • Ten (10) days is needed to get the body “returned” to the original design.
  • Each technology is used to reverse stress and calm heal the body at every level.


For example experiences, have a look at the Rankin Medical Center Testimonials


You'll find all the equipment we use and recommend for sale on the BiophotonTrainer website: biophotontrainer.com