Asking The Right Questions Related to Cancer

The following list of issues is generic and important, but it does not provide the answers you need to solve the issue OR determine the level of cancer.

  • If there is blood in the stool or urine

  • If there is a history of prostatic hypertrophy (enlarged prostate)

  • If there is a history of diarrhea, constipation, or vomiting

  • If there is a history of coughing or hoarseness in the voice

  • If there is sudden weight loss

  • If there is a change in personality

  • If there is a history of fatigue and lethargy

  • If there is a history of allergies

  • If there are any carcinogenic environmental conditions surrounding the patient, such as hazardous chemicals or low-level radiation exposure

  • If there is a history of consuming high-fat meals or other known carcinogens, e.g. large amounts of colorings, flavorings, and preservative agents

  • If there is a history of chronic exposure to drinking water containing high concentrations of chlorine, fluorides, pesticides, and other potentially carcinogenic chemicals

  • If complaining of extreme, chronic stress and/or depression

  • Are you a past or present smoker or a non-smoker is chronically exposed to “secondhand smoke”

  • Are you a habitual caffeine or alcohol abuser

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