Why do they use these stages?

Stages are used to indicate how much cancer and how much it is spread. This may terrorize the patient unnecessarily. With the right program, we have seen every level resolved. The body was created to heal, and the issue does not matter unless you make decisions that cause the cancer to get worse or be damaged by surgery. Move slowly, and do not let anyone motivate you with fear. Motivation with fear: this person may not have YOUR best interest at heart. Making decisions in fear does not turn out well. Get peaceful, and you will make better decisions.

Pain is resolvable. What makes pain worse and the patient worse are opiate drugs. They push the patient further into the pain cycle and a non-healing cycle. Try to avoid this.

There are alternatives. We can help with some suggestions. Know the source of the pain. If you don’t know the cause, you cannot resolve the issue. Sometimes, it is poor mineralization or severe dehydration. Sometimes, it is an issue of acidity or alkalinity. Nutrition: Most people who get into trouble after diagnosis do so because they do not nutritionally support themselves. After 16 years of observing this issue, there are some practical ways to avoid this. Please let us know if you need help with nutritional problems, like cancer, which is a very logical issue.

Fear plays no role in cancer. What can you do? No one but the one who created you knows how long you have after a diagnosis of any kind.

If someone says you have “X” amount of time to do this or that, you have just talked to a manipulative person unless it was the one who created you. This should not be considered someone who has your best interest at heart; this method is considered manipulation with fear. Do not let this affect you. If you want us to help you discern what is happening to you, we are here to help you assess the situation honestly. Regardless of what you have been told or how many labels have been assigned to your diagnosis, in 16 years, we have rarely, if ever, seen a cancer that is so rapid that a person has a few weeks or months to live. What we have seen is the treatment process, chosen in fear, often causes much suffering and rapid death, not the cancer.

Death by chemo Death by radiation damage Negative badgering by well-meaning relatives stating, “You have to listen to the doctor or YOU WILL DIE”. What does the brain hear? “YOU WILL DIE”. Please avoid this type of dialog-set boundaries from negative manipulation Starvation-poorly designed diets Organ failure or massive toxicity or after 1-4 above. All of these are preventable with proper support. Please feel free to write to use for suggestions.

Only 5% of a mass is cancer; the rest is the body’s response to the surrounding cancer.

That is why a biopsy, according to Dr Revici, said we should not biopsy a tumour. It is an encapsulated protection for the body.

A thermogram, read by a skilled practitioner, can show areas of concern and will show changes and a program can be used to resolve the issues shown. Again, it does not indicate cancer but may show connections between the mouth and areas of the body affected by dental issues.

Does the information being used to “confirm” your diagnosis provide an accurate diagnosis?

Understand that a diagnosis is an estimate of issues. The evaluation methods may have many weaknesses or inaccuracies and, at best, may cause fear or terror. Sadly, sometimes, this manipulates the patient into making rash, bad decisions in a rush, as if cancer will end their life quickly. This is nearly impossible. Visual evaluations are inaccurate; biopsies can be very misleading for many reasons and should not be considered the standard of care for diagnosis. Standard tumour marker tests have a proven history of being 64% accurate in many cases. In conclusion, get better answers with the CaProfile and the biomedical tests, and you will know the current issue and what should be done. We can send you examples of tests done over the years that prove the point just made and will benefit you.

You need to have a proper plan. That plan is based on the following:

Determine your goals. Define your goals with proper guidance and know the potential for a positive outcome based on your choices. Testing: Cancer Levels Biomedical Tests to determine what is causing the body to allow ill health. This helps to create a map for recovery.

Yes. From the moment of birth.

The gestation process can be 8 to 25 years. It is not a mystery, and it should not be a surprise. We can show you how to get a handle on the process and level of cancer and how it compares to 16 years of testing. The earlier you detect issues, the more effective you can be in dealing with them.

What are the top 5 things you must work on to have success.

Cancer Levels: level of cancer and if it is metastasizing Infections: microbial, toxins Dental: nearly 95% of all those tested have a dental issue that is one of the primary considerations for cancer levels. Diet: There are many tales about the proper diet, but many diets actually feed the fungal load present in many cancers. This is counterproductive.

Over the course of 50 years there has been an analysis of the most successful doctors and their programs. You may be surprised at who is number one:

Cancer is an organism that is competing with the body in some ways. It is a very logical process. Cancer is a process that has a particular map. If you can draw your map or issues, you will know how to use the map and information to bring yourself back to help. Please let us know if we can help you construct your personal map to a healthy life. Unknown emotional experiences, often referred to as “Recall Healing”. This issue and the addressing of this issue successfully allowed this doctor to have the highest success rate with cancer of anyone in the world. With no irony, it started with the loss of his son. It took many years for his clinic to accept this as an essential part of the healing process. This is often the “third rail” for many people. Once you realize what it pertains to, you will be more likely to study it and use it to your benefit and that of your family. Over 40,000 people and their health challenges were helped with this therapy. Enzymes: In 1878, a doctor discovered the key to controlling cancer. The pancreas makes an enzyme that dissolves cancer cells. It breaks down the wall of the cancer formation, regardless of the size, and helps the body deal with it by making it weak, so the body’s immune system will make cancer less of an issue. The design of the body is truly amazing. This doctor helped more than 25,500 people resolve their cancer. The strength of the enzyme is fundamental. There are enzymes with an assay strength of 1,500, which most people buy, and one with an assay level of 809,000. Which would you prefer if you used enzymes with only a 1,500 assay? The one used by the most successful doctor? Chinese Herbs: This doctor had cancer and a motivation to heal without surgery, chemo, or radiation. Fortunately for everyone, he was determined to live and used his genius to find answers. This drive brought him to China. He was a guest speaker explaining the logical process of cancer and how it functions in the body. Fortunately for him, one of the following speakers was a Chinese doctor who was very impressed with his explanation. That doctor was part of 1,000 years of Chinese medical history whose expertise was Chinese herbs for treating cancer. They created a relationship and allowed this doctor to bring those herbs to the United States. This is the doctor with the third highest success rate for helping people with cancer. Testing: The number one issue for people diagnosed with cancer is testing. Conventional methods use CT scans, PET scans, tumour markers, and biopsies. Do these give the person an accurate story? People are told many things about these testing methods, but most of what they are told is not correct. Write to us to find out more. Many excellent testing methods are accurate and do not harm the patient in the process.

We are testing center, but we also help people resolve health issues.

One of the most important and often overlooked contributors to the health challenge is emotion. What does this mean? Treatment Evaluation: How do you choose? I have a cancer diagnosis, and I want to know my priorities: Determine the level of cancer and if there is any metastasis. I have a cancer diagnosis. How do you stay out of trouble and keep control of the process? Is the healing process one of experimentation, or can you plan the process? In healing from any illness, including cancer, you need to know what the body is trying to fix, heal, or resolve. Consider the following: The main categories are: Cause of Disease: what is the underlying cause of disease suppressing the immune system? Risk of Cancer: What is contributing to cancer present in the body, and what will it take to lower that risk; Dental issues can lower the immune system and affect all meridians that affect the body, including the organs associated with those teeth meridians. Mycotoxins (One of the most serious): Healing and recovery are difficult without addressing these issues. Lyme Risk: immune suppressive Emotional components: When addressed effectively healing will occur much more effectively. Heavy Metals: All toxins suppress the immune system, and mercury is often produced from the teeth. Once identified, it can be removed. Toxins of all kinds: When the body fights toxins, it is not fighting cancer. Detox is essential. Location of Toxic Foci: Cancer often harbours where toxic foci are concentrated, so it must be effectively addressed with a special methodology applicable in the home and remedies created by our staff.