Emotional Healing

This technique and therapy is a body of work developed over decades of research and applied sciences. It has healed and changed the lives of many people around the world. 

Recall Healing is best explained by the examples to follow. Recall Healing and EVOX are not psychological methods, per se, they are a method that transcends dialog. It is not what we know that affects us, it is what we don’t know. 

When a person meets with a therapist they share what they know. With Evox and Recall Healing, it is the matters below the surface that were placed there long ago for “survival”. When we do discover what we don’t know, we can then resolve it. 

EVOX literally uses your own voice, and all the associated emotions associated with your voice and gives it back to you in healing, homeopathic solutions, and can be done in the comfort of your own home. 

There is no need to travel. We work effectively with clients all over the world who have healed from years of unknown influences. The work is done with you in your home.

Recall Healing and TER Trapped Emotional Release Therapy Biography

Recall Healing is a method for finding trapped, historical emotional influences. Trapped Emotions Release (TER) is a unique, combined system developed by the founder of Kelley Metabolic Center. 

It is a process that gives access to our subconscious mind. Recall Healing system was developed by Dr. Gilbert Renaud, and KMC developed a system to use several methods at the same time, in a combined system, and found a greatly accelerated recovery, and that system is called TER.

It is not what we know, but what we don’t know that causes health challenges.

Example Concept: What makes Recall Healing special is the discovery the influence of parent’s conflicts have on the physical human body long after the initial experience. Those at the time of conception are downloaded into the fetus as biological conflicts (of course the baby is unaware and may not show the results of this until some event brings out the stress as a tumor on the uterus, or the breast, or the prostate, etc.).

An example: if your parents conceive you after having a big argument, you would have the condition of needing to bring harmony between your parents and others. If you failed to bring harmony, or felt you did, and they later divorced, you would feel a failure, that you were not enough; “the innocent bystander” carries the burden subconsciously. Our body is our subconscious vault of all mental, emotional and spiritual experiences. The process we use will bring them to the surface to be released. You will see how profoundly this affects every imaginable condition from Epstein Barr to liver cancer. The right technique can stop or influence the level of bone-crushing pain.

ALL CANCER has a conflict starting as an emotion. The Emotions (Lifetime Experiences) and the stressors come together and influence cause the cancer to harbor in the “weakened” area. 

Why do we focus on cancer? Cancer is very logical and very organized if you understand it. There is nothing haphazard about its manifestation or spread. Cancer is opportunistic. It finds the “weakened” area in the body and harbors there. 

All the body stressors and the emotional conflict work together to weaken the area so cancer is afforded the opportunity to get an anchor the body, often manifesting as a tumor. The dominating issue for all people is unknown emotional stressors from life experiences starting in the womb. 

Strangely, when you discover and release the emotional influences, cancer looses its anchor and power in the body, becomes weakened, and begins to diminish.

Everyone has cancer cells from birth. Question: Does it get out of control or stay in check? The key to our success with this issues and resolving it: provide early warning on cancer levels and an accurate method to find the “root” of the emotions for anyone. We can normally find the most important trigger between one and three sessions. Our unique scans reveal the dominating issues on physical, emotional and spiritual blocks that are mostly unknown. We help everyone find the “aha” moment.

Recall Healing is "Healing through Awareness", and helping people release what we find together. No matter what we think is going on, our body more accurately reflects the unconscious patterns which the conscious mind is not able to. When in doubt look/feel at what your body is telling you. It is not just reflecting your 'stuff', it is reflecting your parent’s psychological conflicts and the influence of generations. This process is especially beneficial for those who have been struggling with chronic or long term conditions. Another unique understanding of the brain/body relationship of Recall Healing is that disease, which is usually presented to us as a failure and that we are doing something wrong, in Recall Healing illness is understood as the body/brain's attempt to save the entire organism as long as possible. So illness is actually buying us time to heal the conflict. We invite you to come and experience TER and Recall Healing. "Knowledge frees us and Love heals."

"Whatever does not emerge as Consciousness returns as Destiny."
Karl G. Jung

Recall Healing methods combined with Trapped Emotional Release (TER) helps:

  • Moving through anger toward forgiveness
  • Carrying anger and grudge in the liver
  • Carrying out fears and anger from our ancestors
  • Children always carry the unfinished business of their parents
  • Name it, claim it, and let it go
  • Do you need to know about your past history and family history in order for Recall Healing to be effective?
  • How does the Emotion Trapping and Recall Healing differ? How are they alike?
  • So let’s say someone uses you as a scapegoat and blames you for something in their life, but you know this is not true; how do you get rid of your own anger toward them, forgive and move on if they won’t?
Recall Healing and TER: Name It, Claim It, Let It Go

Themes addressed in Recall Healing and Trapped Emotional Revelation and Release technique: Recall helps to bring awareness, and Trapped Emotions Revelation and Release helps to bring complete resolution to the awareness.

  • Could illness be the brain's ideal solution for solving an acute problem of survival?
  • Why am I sick and how can I encourage my recovery?
  • What is the emotional or psychological shock behind the illness or perhaps a way of behaving?
  • Possible solutions to conflict situations
  • What does resolution conflict resolution mean?
  • Why do my problems recur?
  • Memorized Cellular Biological Cycles
  • The "Project//Purpose" of my life
  • How does intra-uterine life affect the life of the child?
  • The origin of certain learning difficulties at school
  • Trans-generational memory
  • How does my subconscious experience affect my physical life?
  • The biological laws of Recall Healing