Life Events and Cancer

Life Events and Cancer

What has occurred in your life that makes you feel that it has contributed to cancer? 

A lack of exercise in and of itself will never cause cancer. A lack of exercise can cause immune system to be suppressed or not developed. So, when the body gets exposure to something, the immune system may not have the rallying ability to take care of whatever it's being exposed to. But 99% of all cancer is related to an emotional conflict first and then other things contribute like a lack of exercise.


Environmental toxins have been shown especially the Monsanto products and products like those have been known and shown that if you look at the overlay of where the highest level of toxins are sprayed and used in the fields, those are also the highest level of cancers. Heavy metals are part of the same toxins. Heavy metals are come from every car on the planet and the higher the concentration of cars the higher the concentration of heavy metals. But there's also an enormous number of heavy metals in the plants that people are eating especially the toxically grown plants.


Next is stress of all kinds is a potential for immune suppression or mood suppression or altering of sleep. Anger is always been known to be associated with cancer, because cancer is considered a hardness and anger will cause acidity and acidity always causes cancer cells to grow among other things.


If you're dealing with different issues such as grief. Grief can be a major contributor simply because a grief could be a harbored sadness from some experience and that could land in the lungs or that could be experiencing issues in the heart like heartache. It could also affect the thyroid. It could also affect your sleep. Divorce, depending on how the divorce was handled can be any one of things from fear to anger to devaluation to shame and anyone of those things can contribute to cancer levels. Every one of these can be dealt with by emotional release and that is where we have one of the most effective methods in the world.


Smoking of course lowers the immune system. And smoking by itself doesn't necessarily cause cancer because if it did then every smoke in the world would have cancer but they don't. Smoking exacerbates other conditions not the least of which is hydration which is a chronic epidemic in the United States especially because people drink everything but water. Formula water which you can get.

Mercury & Dental Issues

Dental issues, all dental all teeth are connected to some organ in the body so if someone gets a root canal or a mercury filling. Mercury of course is a carcinogen and mercury fillings and dental implants of any kind and root canals can all block the tooth function. And we've seen examples of a root canal causing someone's cancer numbers to skyrocket and liver numbers to skyrocket because of the tooth that was on was associated with those organs.


If someone has some trauma whether it's physical trauma, abuse, rape, etcetera. Each one of those can cause a different kind of a cancer in a different part of the body. The trauma of the loss of a child or the trauma of an abortion can also cause cancer to harbor and the organs associated with that. 

So, if let's say a woman lost a child in a miscarriage or an abortion and she was confident in her mind if she didn't know, but she was confident in her mind that it was a male child or the abortion or the miscarriage came as a result of a bad relationship with a father or a husband, that can cause cancer in the right breast. Issues for a female or the mother can manifest in the left breast.


An accident can cause a trauma just like Doctor Bill Curry was hit by a vehicle, broke his leg, got an infection, eventually developed an osteosarcoma which he then naturally healed. Which then brought us some of the most wonderful cancer methods of healing known in the world, because he spoke in China and brought that information back to us and we would love to send that information to study.