How to Get to The Root of Your Illness When All Else Fails

How to Get to The Root of Your Illness When All Else Fails

In today's world, many people struggle with health problems that just won't go away. They visit doctor after doctor, try different treatments and supplements, but still don't find relief. It can be frustrating and discouraging. But there's hope. Dr. Michael Rankin, a healthcare practitioner with a holistic approach, offers valuable insights in a conversation with Dr. Wendy Myers on how to uncover the root causes of illness when everything else fails.

Dr. Rankin's journey into healthcare began in the 1970s when he encountered a doctor who practiced medicine without drugs or surgeries. Growing up in a family that prioritized natural health, Dr. Rankin was drawn to this approach. He learned from his father that true health comes from within, and illness often stems from emotional or spiritual imbalances.

One of the key points Dr. Rankin emphasizes is the importance of understanding the body's energy systems. He explains how energy points in the body, known as chakras, are connected to various organs and emotions. For example, he mentions how touching certain areas of the body can reveal underlying issues, such as heart stress or colon toxicity.

Understanding the Root Causes

Dr. Rankin explains that symptoms of illness are often signals of deeper imbalances within the body. Instead of just treating symptoms, it's important to identify and address the underlying causes. He emphasizes the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in maintaining health.

Dr. Rankin also delves into the impact of early life experiences on health. He discusses cases where emotional trauma during pregnancy or childhood can manifest as physical illness later in life. For instance, he mentions a patient with a dissociation disorder whose symptoms trace back to events in the womb and early childhood.

To uncover these hidden triggers, Dr. Rankin employs a variety of techniques, including the Coco Pulse Test and voice print analysis. These tools help identify allergies, stressors, and emotional patterns that may be contributing to illness. By asking the right questions and examining the body's energetic imbalances, Dr. Rankin helps his patients get to the root of their health issues.

In his practice, Dr. Rankin takes a comprehensive approach to health assessment. He looks at factors such as organ function, toxins, infections, and emotional well-being. By evaluating the body's energy systems, he can pinpoint the biggest stressors and address them effectively.

Personalized Medicine

One of Dr. Rankin's key principles is personalized medicine. He believes that each person's health journey is unique and requires tailored approaches. By considering factors such as medical history, lifestyle, and emotional well-being, he helps patients uncover the specific triggers contributing to their illness. One powerful tool Dr. Rankin uses is Laser Detox Therapy.

He shares a remarkable story of a patient who experienced a profound release of toxins during a detox session. The patient had been exposed to chemicals as a child, and decades later, those toxins were still trapped in his body. Through laser therapy, Dr. Rankin was able to help the patient eliminate these toxins and experience relief from long-standing health issues.

Nutrition and Lifestyle

Dr. Rankin underscores the critical role of nutrition and lifestyle choices in fostering overall well-being. He stresses the significance of consuming a balanced diet comprised of whole, nutrient-rich foods. By prioritizing fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats, individuals can provide their bodies with essential nutrients needed for optimal function.

Moreover, Dr. Rankin warns against the dangers of processed ingredients and toxins found in many packaged and convenience foods. These additives can disrupt the body's natural balance and contribute to inflammation, digestive issues, and chronic illness. By minimizing exposure to these harmful substances and opting for natural, organic options whenever possible, individuals can support their body's detoxification processes and reduce the burden on their immune system.

In addition to dietary changes, Dr. Rankin emphasizes the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, stress management, and mindfulness practices all play vital roles in promoting physical and mental well-being. By incorporating these habits into their daily routine, individuals can enhance their resilience, boost their immune system, and improve their overall quality of life.

Emotional Well-being

Emotional trauma and stress can contribute to physical illness. Dr. Rankin highlights the profound connection between emotional well-being and physical health. He elucidates how unresolved emotional trauma and chronic stress can manifest as physical symptoms, impacting various systems within the body. By acknowledging the mind-body connection, Dr. Rankin emphasizes the importance of addressing emotional issues to promote healing.

He advocates for holistic approaches to emotional well-being, including mindfulness practices and therapy. These modalities provide individuals with tools to explore and process their emotions, releasing pent-up tension and promoting inner harmony. Ultimately, by prioritizing emotional well-being alongside physical health, individuals can achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Environmental Factors

Dr. Michael Rankin highlighted the pervasive influence of environmental toxins on our health. He emphasized the importance of minimizing exposure to pollutants by advocating for conscious lifestyle choices. Dr. Rankin suggests opting for organic products and embracing eco-friendly practices to mitigate environmental stressors. These toxins, found in everyday products and pollution, can disrupt our body's delicate balance and contribute to various health issues.

By reducing our exposure to harmful substances, individuals can support their body's innate healing mechanisms. Dr. Rankin's advice underscores the significant impact of environmental factors on our overall well-being and emphasizes the importance of creating a healthier living environment. Making mindful choices about the products we use and the practices we adopt can lead to not only a cleaner planet but also healthier bodies and minds.

Complementary Therapies

Dr. Michael Rankin's approach to healthcare extends beyond conventional treatments to include complementary therapies that target holistic well-being. In his conversation with Dr. Wendy Myers, he shed light on the integration of practices like acupuncture and herbal medicine into his treatment protocols.

Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese therapy, involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow and promote healing. Dr. Rankin emphasizes how this practice can rebalance the body's energy systems, addressing imbalances that may contribute to illness. Similarly, herbal medicine harnesses the healing properties of plants to support the body's natural processes. Dr. Rankin incorporates herbal remedies into his treatments to address a wide range of health concerns, from digestive issues to immune support.

By combining these complementary modalities with conventional treatments, Dr. Rankin provides patients with a comprehensive approach to healthcare. This integrative approach addresses the root causes of illness while promoting overall well-being. Through personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's needs, Dr. Rankin helps patients achieve optimal health outcomes and experience lasting improvements in their quality of life.

Empowerment and Collaboration

Dr. Rankin believes in providing patients with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions about their health. Through education and open communication, he enables individuals to understand the underlying causes of their illness and explore treatment options that align with their values and goals.

He advocates for collaboration between patients and practitioners. By working together as partners in health, they can uncover the root causes of illness and develop personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's unique needs and circumstances.

This collaborative approach fosters a sense of ownership and agency in patients, empowering them to actively participate in their own healing process. By empowering individuals to take an active role in their healthcare, Dr. Rankin helps them reclaim control over their well-being and achieve lasting health and vitality.


Dr. Michael Rankin offers a beacon of hope for those struggling to find answers to their health problems. By delving beneath the surface and uncovering the root causes of illness, Dr. Rankin helps his patients achieve lasting healing and transformation. Through his holistic approach and commitment to empowerment, he guides individuals on a journey to optimal health and well-being. So, if you find yourself caught in a cycle of unresolved health issues, remember that there is hope. With the right guidance and support, you can uncover the root of your illness and embark on a path to true healing.